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Hot Off The Press !

If you're thinking about buying the iPhone 4, you'll be better off waiting for the iPhone 5 instead, as it should be coming out really soon this year. Here are some of the expected features:

The new iPhone 5 is expected to have Face Recognition Security so that you don't have to worry about other people stealing your phone and trying to use it... That is, unless they steal your face too. (Anyone seen Face Off?)

- Video Chat on a 4G network instead of a slow 3G one
- Much nicer overall body design of the phone.
- It's going to be even thinner and have a shiny black piece.
- Shatter Resistant and Scratch Resistant Screen
- The lowest model will come with 32G of space and 64G of memory.
- I'll be able to store my whole computer on the lowest model of the iPhone 5.
- Longer Battery Life - Up to 14 Hours of Talk Time On The 3G and 7 Hours on the 4G.
- With 14 hours of talking to my girlfriends, I'm only going to have 10 hours to sleep.
- HD Audio - The quality of sound is going to be extra crisp.
- Built In GPS - You'll never get lost or have to download one of those stupid GPS apps.